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Facebook Hack: Hacking Facebook Account Password in only 5 steps

Facebook has introduced a feature of using “Recovering password using Trusted Friends”. In this feature, if we have lost our Facebook account password, Facebook will send the security code to 3 friends. We have to ask those 3 friends for the security codes and after entering them, we can reset Facebook password.
So, in this hack, we will use this feature for hacking Facebook account password. So, you have to create 3 fake accounts and make sure that your slave adds them as his friends. So, your 3 fake accounts must be listed in your slave’s Friends list. Now, if we use the above “Trusted friends” feature for resetting slave’s Facebook password, Facebook will send the security code to our 3 fake accounts and we can easily hack Facebook account.You can use Social engineering skills so that your slave will have no doubt while accepting your fake account as his friend. This is the only tricky part of the hack.
Also, the fake accounts must be at least a week old. Once you are done with fake accounts, move to the steps below.
Hacking Facebook Account Password in 5 Steps:

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